How Gazans Pathetically Exploit AI to Play the Victim Card

How Muslims Pathetically Exploit AI to Play the Victim Card

It’s unbelievable how low some people can go, using every dirty trick in the book to push their twisted narratives.
With the rise of AI image generators, Hamas supporters and their sympathizers have sunk to new depths, creating fake images to play the victim card and deceive the world.

This isn’t just dishonest—it’s pathetic. It’s laughable that anyone would fall for such obvious lies, but the truth is, some people are so blinded by their hatred for Israel that they’ll believe anything, no matter how ridiculous.

The Farce of Fake Images on Social Media

Take, for example, the recent image of a two-month-old baby lying helplessly amid rubble in Gaza, supposedly abandoned with no one to care for her.
Pro-Palestinian activists have been sharing this image all over social media, trying to stir up sympathy and outrage.

Fake Pallywood propaganda palestinian baby crying
Fake Pallywood propaganda palestinian baby crying

But guess what?
The image is a complete and utter fake.

Israeli startup easily exposed this sham, revealing that the picture was generated by AI and had been floating around online long before the current conflict with Hamas even began.

It’s almost laughable how these frauds try to pass off their pathetic creations as real.
They often resort to recycling images from past conflicts or even video games, hoping that no one will notice.

But now, they’re getting more brazen, using AI to cook up entirely fake scenarios. It’s like a bad joke, but unfortunately, some people are gullible enough to fall for it.

The Absurdity of AI-Generated Propaganda

One of the most ridiculous examples is an AI-generated image of a family fleeing from Israeli bombings in Gaza.
The father is supposedly carrying four children and holding the hand of a five-year-old, his face covered in dust, eyes closed in despair.

Fake image of a family in Gaza
Fake image of a family in Gaza

But if you take a closer look, it’s clear how utterly absurd this image is.
A child’s leg is sticking out of a third sleeve on the father’s shirt, and a baby has only three toes on one foot!
How could anyone be stupid enough to think this is real? Yet, here it is, being shared as if it’s the gospel truth.

AI tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion have made it easy for these clowns to create their fake images, but they are far from perfect.
It’s almost hilarious how easy it is to spot the mistakes—distorted fingers, unnatural skin, and bizarre symbols.

Yet, these fools keep churning out their propaganda, hoping no one will notice.
The sad part is, some people are so blinded by their hatred that they’ll swallow these lies without question.

Hany Farid, a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley, nailed it when he said that the rise of deepfakes has made everything suspect.
It doesn’t take many fake images to poison the well, and now, thanks to these imbeciles, people are doubting everything they see.

The Spread of Fake Images in the Media

What’s even worse is that these fake images aren’t just staying on social media.
They’re creeping into foreign news outlets, sold as stock photos by platforms like Adobe.

Islamo-Nazi AI-generated images for sale on Adobe Stock's website
Islamo-Nazi AI-generated images for sale on Adobe Stock’s website

These images are supposed to be marked as AI-generated, but do you think the media always bothers to tell their readers? Of course not.
So, the lies spread even further, sowing confusion and spreading misinformation.

Fake Pallywood image of IDF soldiers in Gaza
Fake Pallywood image of IDF soldiers in Gaza


Fake image of a Palestinian childs cry infront of their dead mom
Fake image of a Palestinian childs cry infront of their dead mom


Fake image of a sad gazan child child, count his fingers..
Fake image of a sad gazan child child, count his fingers..


Generated image of a baby in Gaza bombings
Generated image of a baby in Gaza bombings

How to Identify AI-Generated Lies

It’s not even that hard to spot these fake images if you’re paying attention.
Automated tools like AI or Not can help, but really, all you need is a sharp eye.’s CEO, Erez Moscovich, advises focusing on details like fingers, faces, and symbols.
The older AI tools often produce distorted faces, while the newer ones give their characters unnaturally perfect skin.
If you see too many people who look like they were cut from the same mold, that’s your first clue that the image is a fake.

Fake images of a street in Israel, signs aren't in Hebrew
Fake images of a street in Israel, signs aren’t in Hebrew


In the end, the real tragedy isn’t just that these morons are using AI to create fake images—it’s that some people are dumb enough to believe them.
It’s pathetic how easily these lies are spread, how quickly people are manipulated by anti-Israel propaganda.

As AI technology gets better, the line between real and fake will blur even more, but that doesn’t mean we have to be idiots about it.
Stay sharp, question everything, and don’t let these liars get away with their cheap tricks.
